Chapter 2 Release – Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me

Chapter 2 has just been posted <— click on that link to read it.

Point deductions are unfair!

I think these point deductions are unfair! A good (meaning super bad, lol) villain can make or break a story. If our dearest MC, the cannon fodder villain were to embrace his villainy and take over the plot, I bet readers would love it! There shouldn’t be point deductions for complaints, pffft!!! Doesn’t 007 System know that negative feedback is just as important as positive feedback?

Anyway, I just finished chapter 2 and I hope you like it.

I have decided to pick this up as my second project. Updates will be weekly or whenever I finish a chapter. Hopefully, that will be once or twice a week.

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment if you like this story.

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