Chapter 26.3 – Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Pull the Wool Over My Eyes

Chapter 26.3 <– click on the link to read it.

I’m so happy!

That manhua that I like,Β Miao Shou Xian Dan, has not one, but TWO cute shotas. OMG! I love it. πŸ˜€ I really enjoy reading or watching cute things.

miao shota

Oh, what’s this? A shota with red eyes?

Well, you know what sailors say? “Red sky at night, sailors’ delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.”

I’m not yet sure whether the red eyes mean he is someone to squeal over or avoid.

miao master

It’s a (somewhat) foul-mouthed, rude shota! This one seems tsundere or something, hahahahahaha! Cute!

5 thoughts on “Chapter 26.3 – Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Pull the Wool Over My Eyes”

    1. I love her and the other female cultivator! And the chibi shotas! OMG, I wish this had 1000 chapters, lol.

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