Chapter 57.2 – Reminder: Who is Hilda?

Chapter 57.2 <— click on the link to read it. Thanks to Crystal WB for the donation.

Who is Hilda?

As you know, the story recently has been about the dragonkin and Hilda. Who exactly is Hilda?

hilda-dragon form

This is an image of Hilda and her unnamed elf partner. As you can see, they had a child. They seem really happy! This image is from the manhua adaptation.

xiu family history

This chart shows Xiu’s family tree. Hilda is Xiu’s great-grandmother.

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment if you can.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 57.2 – Reminder: Who is Hilda?”

    1. It took me a minute to remember that the undead gnome wasn’t the result of a romantic relationship. I was like, “Why is the drawing for their child the same as the parent?” Then I realized it was the same person.

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