Chapter 69.1

Chapter 69.1 <— click on the link to read the chapter. Thank you for your support. Please let me know if there are any errors.

Du Ze’s Information

due ze reading the doujinshi
Doujinshi: Yoooooooooooooooooooo

Favorite Person: Xiu


Hearing aids, glasses, blue sweater, and hardcore doujinshi


0-point restore: Every midnight, his body and the things he brought with him to the world of the novel will be restored to their state when they arrived in that world

Automatic Universal Translation: Can read and understand all of the languages in the world of “Mixed Blood”

Intimidation Factor: Animals in the world of “Mixed Blood” instinctively fear him

2 thoughts on “Chapter 69.1”

    1. He was watching a video with barrage comments that already have yoooooooo in them so I doubt that vid created the meme. 🙂 But it’s funny. Hahahahaha!

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