Scum Villain – Project complete! (Edit: Removed because of licensing)

Update: Since Scum Villain has been officially licensed, I have removed all Scum Villain chapters! Please support the official translation.

Here it is, everyone! the very last chapter of Scum Villain!

Warning: *cough* This is one of those very NSFW chapters, okay?

Chapter 99 <—the chapter has been removed, but the comments are still there in case you want to read what other fans have to say!

bc novels project complete

I’m happy that we finished another story project. I’ll be taking a break before coming out with the next one. I’m looking at several that I like, but please let me know if there are any that you think are good.

Thank you very much to everyone who has helped out with Scum Villain! Thanks for reading and supporting BC Novels!

Let’s continue to enjoy our favorite danmei novels. 🙂 Have a great weekend, everyone!

9 thoughts on “Scum Villain – Project complete! (Edit: Removed because of licensing)”

  1. Thanks for translations so far! I ordered the book but do you know if the extra chapters are there as well?? Would be really sad if I can’t read the switched Lou binghe chapters anymore! ;;;—;;;;

  2. Novel updates says there’s 81 chapters main story and 20 chapters side stories =101 chapters in total.can you please tell me how it’s finished at chapter 99?
    By the way thanks for your hard work. I’m new here and haven’t finished the book yet but you’ve done an amazing job❤

    1. 🙏 I don’t know what NU means. These are all the raw chapters we have. Maybe NU is wrong or it’s a difference in chapter numbering.

  3. Thank you for everything!
    I’m super excited to see it all finished.
    Might I suggest “I’m really a dragon”?
    It’s been abandoned on NU for over 6 months now.
    It’s about a young western dragon from a western fantasy world transmigrating to a cultivation world with all the arrays and cultivation style magic…. Which doesn’t quite work on him. Much to the frustration of his new “Master”, the last Dragon of the Cultivation world.

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