Chapter 93.1 – One more to go

Chapter 93.1 <— click on the link if to read the chapter. Thanks to Kinki and ElizabethLor for the donations.

When life gives you cliffhangers, make sure you hang in there

rock climbing
Think of it like rock climbing rather than “omg we are about to fall and die”

We were promised a happy ending by the author, so don’t worry too much. It’s not like we readers are hanging at the edge of a cliff by our fingernails, almost about to drop to our deaths… it’s more like an exciting interlude as we are rock-climbing our way up a steep cliff.

I did cry buckets of tears though. Get ready with some tissues..

My face when there’s a horrible cliffhanger that makes your heart ache

Thanks for your patience.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 93.1 – One more to go”

  1. O-oh….r-rock climbing, huh? O-okay…We can do this…we can reach the top and see the sunrise…(T▽T) *clings to the cliff, wheezing*

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